The Seven Virtues
Authentic Principles for Living a Powerful Life from the Beatitudes of Jesus
We encounter the Beatitudes of Jesus on this Journey through the Caribbean. Dr. Isaac James Schaeffer delivers a captivating description of the Seven Virtues of Jesus set within a nautical saga of his visit to seven islands. This adventure transports us to a new place of personal discovery. It sets the foundation for better health, increased happiness, and stronger relationships. As a pastoral counselor and Caribbean native, Dr. Isaac shares the pivotal moments that convinced him that the Seven Virtues are far beyond luck; they are truly blessed.
The Beatitudes of Jesus are the ageless and priceless gifts he provides to us, which transform us as we embrace them. The eternal truths of the Beatitudes of Jesus help us become the people we were created to be—moral, loving, courageous, compassionate, and resilient.